Two things have inspired me to write this post. Firstly my recent trip to Mexico City and the food that I was able to eat and secondly the soup from
Glorious! which I tasted at the recent food blogger conference I attended, one of their innovative and interesting range of soups - Mexican Tomato & Fire Roasted Pepper.
I tried the soup from Glorious! with my eyes closed. I wanted to flood my taste buds and flavour senses with the tastes of the soup and the memories of my recent trip.
When I was in Mexico City there was food every where, every street corner had someone selling street food, fresh portions of Tuna (not a fish but the fruit of a local cactus which was everywhere you looked), tubs of fresh mango sprinkled with lime juice and a spicy chili combination giving your taste buds the sweet mango flavour and juice in the first few seconds then the lime hits you with its acidity and sourness followed shortly after by the warmth and heat of the spice sprinkled.
Just about every other street corner had a sweet corn seller offering you a choice of your instant pleasure; plain and boiled in huge pans on small burners, bar-b-qued on little charcoal grills and a cup of corn kernels, cooked with a bit of chili and served with a squeeze of lime juice and a sprinkle of those moreish chili spices (By the way I did bring some of this spice home with me to sprinkle on pineapple which will be seared on the BBQ!).
The city was full of Mexican chain restaurants, international chains like Subway and KFC and local, individual places to eat like 'Corazon de Maguey' in the Coyoacan Square, the 'Opera' restaurant in the Centro Historico with an interior like an old Parisian restaurant but up to the minute Mexican dishes, 'Saks' in the San Angel quarter on a busy Saturday market day for a delicious lunch and if you are in the Polanco district you could try 'El Bajio' featuring classical dishes brought up to the minute or if you want to push the boat out and can get a reservation 'Pujol' is no. 15 in the top 50 restaurants in the world!
Mexico City's food scene comes at you from all corners, all angles and all tastes.
So I swallowed my mouthful of Mexican Tomato & Fire Roasted Pepper soup and opened my eyes and I was back in West London tasting Glorious! soups again!
This blog post is an entry into the foodies100/GLORIOUS! soup #GloriousAdventures blogger challenge.
I was not paid to write this post and all opinions are my own.