Monday, 20 January 2014

Hash Brown Potatoes - like we had at home!

It makes me cringe when you go to a certain fast food restaurant and order a hash brown with your burger and fries! Those little pieces of shredded potato are not hash brown,

When I was growing up hash browns were a way to use up too many boiled potatoes from the night beforehand and were turned into a one plate meal with the addition of onions and maybe a tin of corned beef or a couple of fried eggs!

When I make hash browns I thinly slice onion and a couple of sticks of celery and fry them in some butter and sunflower oil. I fry them gently so that they start to cook and take on some colour.
Then I add my sliced, cooked, cold potatoes and cook in the frying pan until the potatoes brown.

Once browned you can add the changes by adding a tin of corned beef, a couple of eggs on top (2per person), chilli paste, chopped smoked streaky bacon and the list goes on.

Tonight I will be adding a little chilli paste and a few drops of the smoked chipotle Tabasco sauce and salt&pepper.

We will be having them with sausages and freshly cooked beetroot.

Please think again before you associate those little potato shreddies as hash browns!



  1. I like the addition of the spice in your hash browns.

    1. Thanks Nayna - I have to add that Tabasco to everything these days!

  2. I would rarely associate a fast food outlet with real food. Your hash browns sound like real food and delicious too, especially with chilli sauce.

  3. All our favourites are home made which surprises so many people these days! It always surprises me how many people don't make things at home!

  4. My Mum used to make them for me with lots of grated cheese on the top :) Looks yum!

    1. Cheese sounds good Sylvia, My mom used to mix in a tin of corned beef and just before serving pop a fried egg on top.

  5. The shreddy types are a bit scary sometimes although I do buy the IKEA frozen ones sometimes. Never thought of doing them like this but my son would like it very much.

    1. It's a family favourite here too, never any left either.

  6. I LOVE hash browns or any fried potatoes as it happens! Love that you replicated a home style recipe for the UK!

    1. Thanks Karen these are the kind of food I grew up on!

  7. gosh, I ate something like this as a kid, but we never had a name for them;) I guess I had hashbrowns then!

    1. If you order hash browns in the States Fiona this is what you will get.

  8. Looks yummy! Leftover potatoes NEVER go to waste in this house :)
    Janie x

    1. Mr R is a potato monster so we don't often have any left over either!!

  9. Ah now, I must be swayed by restaurants as I always think about them as potato cakes, but this is a great idea. I will be trying this veggie style. I wonder where the different styles originate from. Are the potato cake versions American perhaps?

    1. I make my hash browns with bacon or without and they always taste good. Chilli makes a good addition.

  10. Tasty! I haven't made anything like this in ages but I'm betting your potato hash would be very appealing to my potato fiend kids! For me with a large dollop of Gran Luchito smoked chilli paste please!

    1. Of defo Gran Luchito - I am addicted to it! I often add it to my hash browns.

  11. I love the idea of popping a fried egg on top ! U bet the restaurant ones are sad fellas ! I have to hide a portion of my spicy potatoes to make toasties the next day - have to ensue OH isnt looking when I hide some :) - Manjiri (sliceoffme)

    1. I have to threaten Mr R not to eat all the potatoes so I have some left for hash browns or potato ssalad.
