Thursday, 26 June 2014

Time travelling - my outlook.

How many people these days take time travel for granted? With such nonchalance we sit in airports waiting for our call to board an airplane and travel at altitudes above 35,000ft at ground speeds equivalent to over 500 miles per hour as we plan to travel back in time or forward in time to a new day, a new adventure.

We travel around the world to another country, another continent, another culture as easily as we take a bus or train across town.

For one reason or another, a story to long to go into now, I had not flown across the Atlantic for quite few years, not been home to my people, my family but at long last here I am traveling to Boston, Mass today, staying in a hotel then flying in the morning to North Carolina, a state I have never been to before to visit my sister for three weeks. 

Sitting aboard this Virgin Atlantic flight, the same route and airline I always take to the USA, in the relative luxury of Premium Economy I am reflecting on the adventure ahead.
An airport waiting area with such comfy rocking chairs to while away the waiting time!
Sisters, two women with a special bond, an understanding a connection. I am very excited to see her and her family tomorrow.

I left my country for two years when I was seventeen and somehow never went home to live. Over the years I have made this journey  many times, sometimes twice a year with husband, children, friends however this year I am traveling on my own.

For the past three years I have written a food blog, adding drinks along the way and now the addition of a new perspective, travel blogging. I will be reporting my journey from a food blogger's perspective with recipes, restaurant reviews, local knowledge and great photos. I hope you feel like you are here with me and enjoy the trip!

Well, here we go, As Dorothy said when she clicked her heels together "There's no place like home!